Coral Diversity Survey: Volivoli Beach, Viti Levu and Dravuni and Great Astrolabe Reef, Fiji, 2006

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This dataset is from a report of the reef coral fauna of 4 dive sites off Volivoli, near Rakiraki, northern Viti Levu, Fiji, found in August, 2006 and 13 dive and snorkel sites, on the Great Astrolabe Reef and near Dravuni Island, Kadavu, Fiji, found in September, 2006.

The principle aim of these coral surveys was to provide an inventory of the coral species growing on reefs and associated habitats and compare the coral fauna on different sites. This includes species growing on sand or other soft sediments within and around reefs. The primary group of corals is the zooxanthellate scleractinian corals, that is, those that contain single-cell algae and which contribute to building the reef. Also included are a small number of zooxanthellate non-scleractinian corals which also produce skeletons large enough to contribute to the reef (e.g., Millepora, Heliopora, Tubipora, Distichopora: fire coral, blue coral, organ-pipe coral, and thick lace coral, respectively), and a small number of azooxanthellate scleractinian corals (Tubastrea). All produce calcium carbonate skeletons that contribute to reef building to some degree.


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Fenner D (2024). Coral Diversity Survey: Volivoli Beach, Viti Levu and Dravuni and Great Astrolabe Reef, Fiji, 2006. Version 1.0. Southwestern Pacific Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) Node. Occurrence dataset.



此資料的發布者及權利單位為 Southwestern Pacific Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) Node。 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.




Occurrence; Observation


Douglas Fenner
  • 元數據提供者
  • 出處
  • 連絡人
Dept. of Marine & Wildlife Resources
Pago Pago
Kevin Mackay
  • 使用者


Volivoli (Viti Levu) and Dravuni and Great Astrolabe Reef, Fiji

界定座標範圍 緯度南界 經度西界 [-18.82, 178.12], 緯度北界 經度東界 [-17.25, 178.55]


起始日期 / 結束日期 2006-08-01 / 2006-09-30


Corals were surveyed by SCUBA and snorkel dives.

研究範圍 Volivoli, Viti Levu and Dravuni and Great Astrolabe Reef, Fiji


  1. For Volivoli, Viti Levu, corals were surveyed in 4 scuba dives by D. Fenner to a maximum depth of 20.6 m. A list of coral species was recorded at each site. The basic method consisted of underwater observations. The name of each species identified was marked on a plastic sheet on which species names were printed. The recorder followed the path of the resort dive guide, and most time was spent on the low to middle reef wall. Sample areas of all habitats encountered were surveyed. Many corals can be identified to species with certainty in the water and a few must be identified alive since they cannot be identified without living tissues. Also, there are some that are easier to identify alive than from skeletons. Field guides assisted identification (Veron and Stafford-Smith, 2002; Veron, 2000; Wallace, 1999ab). Two small samples of one species of staghorn (Acropora) were collected with permission, to determine whether this was a new species, or a species not known from Fiji. These two samples were examined at the University of the South Pacific and contributed to their collection. Additional references supporting identification are listed in references (Best & Suharsono, 1991; Boschma, 1959; Cairns & Zibrowius, 1997; Claereboudt, M. 1990; Dai, 1989; Dai & Lin 1992; Dineson, 1980; Fenner, in preparation; Hodgson, 1985; Hodgson & Ross, 1981; Hoeksema, 1989; Hoeksema & Best, 1991; Hoeksema & Best 1992; Moll & Best, 1984; Nemenzo 1986; Nishihira, 1986; Ogawa & Takamashi, 1993, 1995; Randall & Cheng, 1984: Sheppard & Sheppard, 1991; Suharsono, 1996; Veron, 1985, 1986, 1990, 2000; Veron & Nishihira, 1995; Veron & Pichon 1976, 1980, 1982; Veron, Pichon & Wijman-Best, 1977; Wallace 1994, 1997a, Wallace & Wolstenholme 1998).
  2. For Dravuni and the Great Astrolabe Reef, corals were surveyed in 10 scuba dives and 3 snorkels by D. Fenner to a maximum depth of 28.8 m. A list of coral species was recorded at each site. The basic method consisted of underwater observations. The name of each species identified was marked on a plastic sheet on which species names were printed. Sample areas of all habitats encountered were surveyed. Many corals can be identified to species with certainty in the water and a few must be identified alive since they cannot be identified without living tissues. Also, there are some that are easier to identify alive than from skeletons. Field guides assisted identification (Veron and Stafford-Smith, 2002; Veron, 2000; Wallace, 1999ab). Corals were also studied in the University of the South Pacific’s School of Marine Studies coral collection for about 2 hours, and the results of that study are also included. Additional references supporting identification are listed in references (Best & Suharsono, 1991; Boschma, 1959; Cairns & Zibrowius, 1997; Claereboudt, M. 1990; Dai, 1989; Dai & Lin 1992; Dineson, 1980; Fenner, in preparation; Hodgson, 1985; Hodgson & Ross, 1981; Hoeksema, 1989; Hoeksema & Best, 1991; Hoeksema & Best 1992; Moll & Best,1984; Nemenzo 1986; Nishihira, 1986; Ogawa & Takamashi, 1993, 1995; Randall & Cheng, 1984: Sheppard & Sheppard, 1991; Suharsono, 1996; Veron, 1985, 1986, 1990, 2000; Veron & Nishihira, 1995; Veron & Pichon 1976, 1980, 1982; Veron, Pichon & Wijman-Best, 1977; Wallace 1994, 1997a, Wallace & Wolstenholme 1998).


  1. Fenner, B. 2007. Coral Diversity Survey: Volivoli Beach, Viti Levu and Dravuni and Great Astrolabe Reef, Fiji, 2006. IAS Technical Report No. 2007/03. 35 pp.


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