Molluscan specimens from the Astrolabe Reefs (Kadavu, Fiji), 1986-2006

Occurrence Specimen
Latest version published on 7 November 2019
Publication date:
7 November 2019
Published by:
No organisation
CC-BY 4.0

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This dataset is a work in progress and will be updated regularly.

From 1986 to 2006, Astrolabe Incorporated, led by Joan Koven, conducted mollusc collections from the North and Great Astrolabe Reef in Kadavu, Fiji. A total of 799 species were identified over collection period.

In 2008, Joan Koven donated the entire molluscan collection to the University of the South Pacific (USP) in Suva, Fiji, where it is currently housed in the USP Marine Collection at the School of Marine Studies.

This dataset is comprised of the specimens collected and identified by Astrolabe Incorporated.

Publication of this dataset was funded by the European Union (EU). We are also grateful to GBIF, BID and VertNet for their support in mobilising this dataset, and to the John and Dave Foundation for technical support.

Data Records

The data in this occurrence resource has been published as a Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A), which is a standardized format for sharing biodiversity data as a set of one or more data tables. The core data table contains 711 records.

This IPT archives the data and thus serves as the data repository. The data and resource metadata are available for download in the downloads section. The versions table lists other versions of the resource that have been made publicly available and allows tracking changes made to the resource over time.


The table below shows only published versions of the resource that are publicly accessible.

How to cite

Researchers should cite this work as follows:

Koven J, Brown K (2018): Molluscan specimens from the Astrolabe Reefs (Kadavu, Fiji), 1986-2006. v1.1. The University of the South Pacific - School of Marine Studies. Dataset/Occurrence.


Researchers should respect the following rights statement:

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.

GBIF Registration

This resource has not been registered with GBIF


Occurrence; mollusc; Fiji; Specimen


Joan Koven
  • Metadata Provider
  • Originator
  • Founder
Astrolabe Incorporated
Kelly Brown
  • Curator
  • Curator, USP Marine Collection
The University of the South Pacific
  • +679 323 1811
Kelly Brown
  • Curator
  • Curator
University of the South Pacific
  • +679 323 1811
Ainsof So’o
  • Programmer
  • Systems Developer and Analyst

Geographic Coverage

North and Great Astrolabe Reefs, Kadavu, Fiji.

Bounding Coordinates South West [-18.976, 178.371], North East [-18.683, 178.616]

Taxonomic Coverage

Records of specimens from the Phylum Mollusca.

Family Cardiidae, Chamidae, Gryphaeidae, Mytilidae, Ostreidae, Pectinidae, Placunidae, Pinnidae, Pteriidae, Spondylidae, Trapezidae

Temporal Coverage

Start Date / End Date 1986-01-01 / 2006-01-01

Project Data

The tropical Indo-Pacific is recognized as the world’s most diverse marine environment, but its size and remoteness present challenges for documenting and studying biodiversity. This project will build on the protocols, tools and growing network of collaborators established by the Diversity of the Indo-Pacific Network and VertNet to mobilize biodiversity data and identify conservation priorities in Fiji, Vanuatu, the Solomon Islands, and New Caledonia.

Title Capacity building and data mobilization for conservation and decision-making in the South Pacific
Identifier BID-PA2016-0002-REG
Funding The dataset was prepared and published with funding from the European Union via the Global Biodiversity Information Facility.

The personnel involved in the project:

Joan Koven
  • Principal Investigator
Kelly Brown
  • Curator

Sampling Methods

SCUBA diving, snorkeling and beach walks. Not all the collected specimens had co-ordinates recorded and are labelled as 'unknown'.

Study Extent This dataset is comprised of the specimens collected and identified by Astrolabe Incorporated from 1986 to 2006. A majority of the specimens were collected from the Great Astrolabe Reef (GAR). The remaining specimens were collected from the North Astrolabe Reef (NAR).

Method step description:

  1. Records were obtained from physical specimen labels and entered into the USP Marine Collection database. Taxonomy was verified from the World Register of Marine Species and

Additional Metadata

marine, harvested by iOBIS

Alternative Identifiers 7dc0d8a3-57da-4090-a959-69a0aad10285