Scientific Results of the New Zealand Government Trawling Expedition, 1907

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In 1907 with the object of assisting and furthering the fishing industry the New Zealand Government organized and carried out an extensive series of experimental trawling investigations, the objects, as detailed in the official reports, being 'to ascertain what extent of trawling-grounds existed, what varieties of marketable fish were obtainable in the different localities; to prove whether the conditions necessary for carrying on successful trawling existed in certain localities within workable distance of the best markets, and, if so, to place the information on record for the guidance of those interested in the trawling industry; and generally to acquire information on the distribution of food-fishes, etc., in the sea surrounding these islands.'

The vessel used was the 'Nora Niven', built in Selby, and was constructed of steel. She was 96 ft. long, the net register being 56 tons. In ordinary weather she could steam 8.5 knots an hour.

Though the expedition was fitted with several scientific appliances, such as sets of thermometers, sounding-apparatus, etc., all of which were regularly and systematically used, the provision for actual trawling was of the ordinary commercial type, designed only to arrest the larger or marketable fishes. No effort or arrangement was made to secure the smaller species or invertebrates, the presence or absence of which may have an important bearing on the distribution of the economic fishes. Occasionally, a smaller meshed cotton net was attached to sections of the trawl. When, however, this small net was used, the increased number of species obtained was very marked.

The vessel left Wellington on the 5th June, 1907 for Stewart Island, and arrived in Auckland at the end of the expedition on August 26th 1907. Ninety-six hauls were made by the time Auckland was reached. The total weight of marketable fish brought to port by the trawler during the three-months cruise was 46,750 lb. 2,743 blue-cod (Parapercis colias) were taken at the Chatham Islands on hand-lines.

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SWPRON, 2018. Data from: Scientific results of the New Zealand Government Trawling Expedition, 1907. Waite, E.R. (ed.). Records of the Canterbury Museum, Vol. 2, No. 2.


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Occurrence; Observation


Kevin Mackay
  • Fournisseur Des Métadonnées
  • Créateur
  • Personne De Contact
Marine Database Manager
Private Bag 14-901
6241 Kilbirnie

Couverture géographique

East coast, New Zealand

Enveloppe géographique Sud Ouest [-47,2, -176,1], Nord Est [-37,5, 168,5]

Métadonnées additionnelles

marine, harvested by iOBIS

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