Intertidal and shallow-water ostracoda of the Waitemata Harbour, New Zealand

最新バージョン Southwestern Pacific Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) Node により出版 12月 7, 2023 Southwestern Pacific Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) Node

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This dataset is from a paper which provides the first account of the ecological distribution of Ostracoda from a New Zealand harbour. Fifty-eight species are recorded in 23 subtidal (0–30 m) and intertidal sand and mud samples from the Waitemata Harbour, Auckland. Five associations are recognised using cluster analysis on the percentage abundance counts of total valves (live plus dead specimens). The main harbour channel from Hobsonville to Rangitoto, together with some of the subtidal flats in the outer part of the harbour, is dominated by Keijia demissa, with subdominant Munseyella aequa and M. brevis below the harbour bridge (association A) and Callistocythere neoplana and Quadracythere mediaruga above the bridge (association B). Shallow subtidal mud flats in the inner harbour (Herne Bay to Pollen Island) are dominated by Munseyella tumida and Microcytherura ?hornibrooki (association C). Intertidal mud fl ats and mangrove forest at Pollen Island and in the upper harbour have an ostracod fauna strongly dominated by Callistocythere neoplana (association D), in some places with associated Procythereis aff. lyttletonensis and Leptocythere lacustris (association E).

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Morley M, Hayward B (2023). Intertidal and shallow-water ostracoda of the Waitemata Harbour, New Zealand. Version 1.0. Southwestern Pacific Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) Node. Occurrence dataset.



パブリッシャーとライセンス保持者権利者は Southwestern Pacific Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) Node。 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.


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Occurrence; Observation


Margaret Morley
  • メタデータ提供者
  • 最初のデータ採集者
  • 連絡先
Auckland War Memorial Museum
Private Bag 92018
Bruce Hayward
  • 最初のデータ採集者
Geomarine Research
49 Swainston Rd
Kevin Mackay
  • データ利用者


Waitemata Harbour, Auckland, New Zealand

座標(緯度経度) 南 西 [-36.883, 174.602], 北 東 [-36.769, 174.84]



Class Ostracoda


開始日 / 終了日 1993-01-01 / 1993-12-31


Subtidal samples were obtained during 1993–1995 using a naturalist’s bucket dredge with 10 litre capacity, hand-hauled from a 4 m dinghy powered by a small outboard motor. Depending on substrate type, the dredge sampled 6–10 cm into the seafloor sediment and a subsample of the sediment was taken prior to sieving for study of the macro-invertebrates (Hayward et al. 1997b). Intertidal samples were obtained during 1995 from the upper 5 cm of sediment (Hayward et al. 1997a).

Study Extent The Waitemata Harbour (latitude 36° 50’S, longitude 174° 40’E), is a river valley system drowned by sea-level rise following the Last Glacial. The main channel is the incised course of the former river, now up to 30 m deep (Fig. 1), subject to strong tidal currents and mostly floored by muddy shell gravel (stns W16, W21). Around the Ports of Auckland wharves, the channel has been dredged and is floored by soft mud (stns W17, W18). In the middle and outer parts of the harbour the channel is flanked by wide subtidal shallows (0–8 m deep) mantled by mud, muddy sand or sand (stns W19, W20, W22). The inner harbour, between Herne Bay and Hobsonville (Fig. 1), has several meandering channels (stns W9, W14) separated by shallow subtidal (stns W13, W15) and intertidal (stns W5–8) mud and muddy sand fl ats. At the head of the harbour is the channelised brackish Rangitopuni Estuary (stn. W11), with low-tidal mud fl ats (stn. W12) and high-tidal mangrove (Avicennia marina australasica) forest on its margins. In the shelter of low-lying Pollen Island, on the south-west side of the inner harbour (Fig. 1), is an extensive area of low (0.3–1.0 m high), near-normal salinity, high-tidal, mangrove forest (stns W1–4), salt meadow (Sarcocornia quinquefl ora), and salt marsh (Juncus maritimus and Leptocarpus similis).

Method step description:

  1. The mud fraction (particles <0.063 mm in diameter) was washed from –20 ml splits of the bulk sediment samples, and the remaining sand was dried. Ostracod shells and foraminiferal tests were concentrated from the sand fraction by flotation with carbon tetrachloride. The fi ne sand and coarser fraction (particles >0.125 mm in diameter) of the dried float was examined under a microscope and all ostracod shells were picked, mounted, identified and counted.


  1. Morley, M.S. and Hayward, B.W., 2007. Intertidal and shallow-water ostracoda of the Waitemata Harbour, New Zealand. Records of the Auckland Museum, pp.17-32.


marine, harvested by iOBIS