SPC CoFish Invertebrates Observations Cook Islands 2007

Occurrence Observation
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Marine invertebrate species of commercial interest observed in Cook Islands during the CoFish surveys in Rarotonga, Palmerston, Mangaia and Aitutaki (2007) with a mix of survey methods (manta tow, reef benthos transects, and day and night searches)

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Friedman K, Pakoa K, Tardy E, Lasi F (2018): SPC CoFish Invertebrates Observations Cook Islands 2007. v1.1. The Pacific Community (SPC). Dataset/Occurrence. https://ipt.sprep.org/resource?r=spc_cofish_invertebrates_cook_islands_2007&v=1.1



This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC 4.0) License.


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Occurrence; SPC; PROCFish/C; CoFish; Marine invertebrates


Kim Friedman
  • 最初のデータ採集者
  • Senior Reef Fisheries Scientist
The Pacific Community
  • BP D5
98848 Noumea
  • (+687) 26.20.00
Kalo Pakoa
  • 最初のデータ採集者
  • Reef Fisheries Officer
The Pacific Community
  • BP D5
98848 Noumea
  • (+687) 26.20.00
Emmanuel Tardy
  • 最初のデータ採集者
  • Reef Fisheries Officer
The Pacific Community
  • BP D5
98848 Noumea
  • (+687) 26.20.00
Ferral Lasi
  • 最初のデータ採集者
  • Reef Fisheries Officer
The Pacific Community
  • BP D5
98848 Noumea
  • (+687) 26.20.00
Franck Magron
  • メタデータ提供者
  • 連絡先
  • Coastal Fisheries Information and Database Manager
The Pacific Community
  • BP D5
98848 Noumea
  • (+687) 26.20.00
Ben Ponia
  • データ所有者
  • Secretary
Ministry of Marine Resources (MMR)
  • PO Box 85
Avarua, Rarotonga
  • (+682) 28721


Rarotonga, Palmerston, Mangaia and Aitutaki in Cook Islands

座標(緯度経度) 南 西 [-21.96, -163.198], 北 東 [-17.991, -157.89]




開始日 / 終了日 2007-02-06 / 2007-10-21


The Pacific Regional Coastal Fisheries Development Programme (CoFish) and its associated programme PROCFish/C (the coastal component of the Pacific Regional Oceanic and Coastal Fisheries Development Programme) conducted fieldwork in 63 sites across 17 Pacific Island countries and territories over a seven-year period from 2002 to 2009.

タイトル Pacific Regional Coastal Fisheries Development Programme (CoFish)
識別子 BID-PA2016-0002-REG
ファンデイング Funded by the European Union for the implementation of the Pacific Regional Coastal Fisheries Development Programme (CoFish), which ran from 1 May 2004 to 31 December 2009 under funding from the ninth European Development Fund (EDF 9), and the coastal component of the Pacific Regional Oceanic and Coastal Fisheries Development Programme (PROCFish/C), which ran from 1 March 2002 to 28 February 2009 under funding from the eighth European Development Fund (EDF 8). Data prepared and published under project "Capacity building and data mobilization for conservation and decision making in the South Pacific" - BID-PA2016-0002-REG
研究の意図、目的、背景など(デザイン) The aim of the survey work was to provide baseline information on the status of reef fisheries, and to help fill the massive information gap that hinders the effective management of reef fisheries



Diversity and abundance of invertebrate species were determined using a range of survey techniques, including broad-scale assessment (using the manta-tow technique) and finer-scale assessment of specific reef and benthic habitats. Broad-scale assessments were used to record large sedentary invertebrates; transects were 300 m long × 2 m wide, across inshore, midshore and more exposed oceanic habitats. Fine-scale assessments were conducted in target areas (areas with naturally higher abundance and/or the most suitable habitat) to specifically describe resource status. Fine-scale assessments were conducted of both reef (hard-bottom) and sandy (soft-bottom) areas to assess the range, size, and condition of invertebrate species present and to determine the nature and condition of the habitat with greater accuracy. These assessments were conducted using 40 m transects (1 m wide swathe, six replicates per station) recording most epi-benthic resources (those living on the bottom) and potential indicator species. For trochus and bêche-de-mer fisheries, searches to assess aggregations were made in the surf zone along exposed reef edges. On occasion, when time and conditions allowed, dives to 25–35 m were made to determine the availability of deeper-water sea cucumber populations. Night searches were conducted on inshore reefs to assess nocturnal sea cucumber species See http://purl.org/spc/digilib/doc/pfj5w

Study Extent Rarotonga, Palmerston, Mangaia and Aitutaki in Cook Islands

Method step description:

  1. Multiple observations for the same species aggregated by replicate. For replicates with a start and end positions (manta tow), the position provided is the middle point.


  1. Pinca S., Boblin P., Friedman K.J., Kronen M., Magron F., Awira R., Pakoa K., Lasi F., Tardy E., Chapman L.B. 2009. Cook Islands country report: profiles and results from survey work at Aitutaki, Palmerston, Mangaia and Rarotonga (February and October 2007). Pacific Regional Oceanic and Coastal Fisheries Development Programme (PROCFish/C/CoFish). Noumea, New Caledonia: Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC). xxxiv, 339 p. http://purl.org/spc/digilib/doc/3mrtb
  2. Pakoa K., Friedman K., Moore B., Tardy E., Bertram I. 2014. Assessing Tropical Marine Invertebrates: a manual for Pacific island resource managers. Noumea, New Caledonia: Secretariat of the Pacific Community. 118 p. http://purl.org/spc/digilib/doc/pfj5w


marine, harvested by iOBIS

代替識別子 8a2ba058-6ca8-4f8a-a54a-b79bb225be66