
Benthic Foraminifera of Laucala Bay (Suva, Fiji)

バージョン 1.0 Southwestern Pacific Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) Node によって公開 2019/12/27 Southwestern Pacific Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) Node

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Foraminifera (often abbreviated to "forams") are acellular organisms (protists) that form shells (tests) of calcium carbonate or cemented grains of sand or other material which, when the animals die, may form calcareous sand. The purpose of the study was to determine the species of benthic foraminifera present in Laucala Bay, and to investigate the role of large foraminifera, especially the soritid Marginopora vertebralis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1830) in supplying carbonate sediments to a lagoonal sedimentary system in Fiji, namely the Nukubuco Reef flat in Laucala Bay. A total of 68 different species from 48 different genera were identified from the 13 sites sampled and the species classification and taxonomy were determined.

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注意してください、これは、古いバージョンのデータセットです。  研究者はこの研究内容を以下のように引用する必要があります。:

Sharma A, Brown K (2019): Benthic Foraminifera of Laucala Bay (Suva, Fiji). v1.0. Southwestern Pacific Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) Node. Dataset/Occurrence. https://nzobisipt.niwa.co.nz/resource?r=suvaforam&v=1.0



パブリッシャーとライセンス保持者権利者は Southwestern Pacific Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) Node。 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.


このリソースは GBIF に登録されていません。


Occurrence; Observation


Ashishika Sharma
  • メタデータ提供者
  • 最初のデータ採集者
  • 連絡先
Coastal Specialist
Auckland Council
Kelly Brown
  • 最初のデータ採集者
The University of the South Pacific
Kevin Mackay
  • データ利用者


Laucala Bay, Suva, Fiji

座標(緯度経度) 南 西 [-18.19, 178.4], 北 東 [-18.11, 178.53]


Phylum foraminifera

Phylum foraminifera


開始日 / 終了日 2004-03-01 / 2004-07-31


Sediment samples of approximately 1kg were collected from 12 sites in Laucala Bay and one site in Suva Harbour, by wading or snorkeling and collecting handfuls of sand, or in deeper water, using a grab sampler.

Study Extent This dataset describes the species of foraminifera that were identified in Laucala Bay, Suva, Fiji, as part of a Master of Science research thesis.

Method step description:

  1. Detailed methodology can be obtained from the Master of Science thesis in the Citations section.


  1. Sharma, A. D. (2007). A study of the benthic foraminifera of Laucala Bay, with special focus on Marginopora vertebralis. Master of Science in Marine Science thesis. The University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji. http://digilib.library.usp.ac.fj/gsdl/collect/usplibr1/index/assoc/HASH0180/d8252707.dir/doc.pdf


marine, harvested by iOBIS