Catch data from New Zealand research trawls since 2008

Sampling event
Dernière version Publié par Southwestern Pacific Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) Node le nov. 27, 2019 Southwestern Pacific Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) Node

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This dataset contains data from research trawls that have occurred since 2008 and are stored the NIWA/MPI Trawl database These data results from data collected by research trawl surveys on research vessels and chartered commercial fishing vessels. Trawl surveys are a major tool used by research scientists for stock assessment. They are used to estimate basic parameters of commercial fish populations, including biomass, sex ratio, and the proportion of sexually mature fish, and the distribution of ages and lengths in the population. These parameters may be used in estimating mortality and growth rates.

This dataset is a continuation of data from the NIWA/MPI Trawl database that was initially released as the New Zealand fish and squid distributions from research bottom trawls 1964-2008 available at

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Event (noyau)

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Comment citer

Les chercheurs doivent citer cette ressource comme suit:

SWPRON (2017). Catch data from New Zealand research trawls. Southwestern Pacific OBIS, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), Wellington, New Zealand, 15157 records, Online released on April 19, 2017.


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L’éditeur et détenteur des droits de cette ressource est Southwestern Pacific Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) Node. Ce travail est sous licence Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0.

Enregistrement GBIF

Cette ressource a été enregistrée sur le portail GBIF, et possède l'UUID GBIF suivante : 421890f7-e909-40ed-a573-b1c9529a55fa.  Southwestern Pacific Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) Node publie cette ressource, et est enregistré dans le GBIF comme éditeur de données avec l'approbation du Ocean Biodiversity Information System.




Kevin Mackay
  • Utilisateur
  • Marine Database Manager
  • Private Bag 14-901
6241 Wellington
New Zealand
David Fisher
  • Personne De Contact
  • Principal Technician - Fisheries
  • Private Bag 14-901
6241 Wellington
New Zealand
Kevin Mackay

Couverture géographique

New Zealand region

Enveloppe géographique Sud Ouest [-57, -176,3], Nord Est [-24, 157]

Couverture temporelle

Date de début 2008-01-01

Méthodes d'échantillonnage

Most records are from random bottom trawls, but there are also records from midwater trawls, scampi trawls and non-random tows (such as gear trials and target tows).

Etendue de l'étude Fisheries research trawls since 2008 over the New Zealand EEZ area
Contrôle qualité The scientific names have been mapped to the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS), using the online taxon match tool. All sampling locations have been plotted on a map to perform a visual check. The most important check would be to see if all sampling locations are (1) in the marine and/or brackish environment and (2) within the described sampling area.

Description des étapes de la méthode:

  1. Only successful trawl records were selected. All "foul" shots are excluded as the net may have ripped and some species may have escaped on hauling. All species identification have been validated and outliers based on geographic and depth distributions have been checked.
  2. Catch weights (kg) are added to the "occurrenceRemarks" field. -Sea temperature recorded by trawl headline sensors are added to the "dynamicProperties" field.

Métadonnées additionnelles

marine, harvested by iOBIS

Identifiants alternatifs 421890f7-e909-40ed-a573-b1c9529a55fa