Intertidal bryozoans from coral reef-flat rubble Sa‘aga, Western Samoa

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A study of the major cryptofaunal species from reef-flat rubble (slabs and small boulders) at Sa'aga, Upolu Island, has yielded 10 species of Bryozoa (2 new), with the following colonial morphologies: two-dimensionally encrusting - Puellina sp.; Calyptotheca mortoni n. sp., fixed-erect - Reteporellina samoensis n. sp., Triphyllozoon sp.; and rooted-articulated - Crisia elongata, Nellia tenuis, Chlidonia pyriformis; Savignyella lafontii; Vasignyella otophora; Margaretta gracilior. Systematic rearrangements include placing Nellia in the Quadricellariidae, and the Savignyellidae in the superfamily Cateoicelloide Savignyella otophora is made the type species of a new genus Vasignyella. Bryozoa dominate numerically over other suspension feeders in this habitat. Much of the central portions of the rubble undersides are occupied by bryozoans, surrounded by sponges and ascidians, with the periphery dominated by crustose-coralline algae. Rooted, flexible Bryozoa can be so numerous as to form a turf.

The present collection is very small (a deliberate collection of bryozoans not having been made for the whole shore) but otherwise representative of the genera and morphotypes found elsewhere in such reefal environments.

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Gordon D (2024). Intertidal bryozoans from coral reef-flat rubble Sa‘aga, Western Samoa. Version 1.0. The National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA). Occurrence dataset.


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Occurrence; Observation


Dennis Gordon
  • Fournisseur Des Métadonnées
  • Créateur
  • Personne De Contact
National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research
Private Bag 14901, Kilbirnie
6241 Wellington
Kevin Mackay
  • Utilisateur

Couverture géographique

Sa' aga, just southeast of Si 'umu on the south coast of Upolu Island, Samoa.

Enveloppe géographique Sud Ouest [-14,03, -171,774], Nord Est [-14,027, -171,771]

Méthodes d'échantillonnage

Bryozoans have apparently not been collected from Samoa before this dataset. The present specimens collected by Professor J. E. Morton, Auckland University, came from the underside of coral reef-flat rubble (slabs and small boulders of hermatypic corals) on the fringing reef at Sa' aga, just southeast of Si 'umu on the south coast of Upolu Island, Western Samoa.

Etendue de l'étude fringing reef at Sa' aga, just southeast of Si 'umu on the south coast of Upolu Island, Samoa.

Description des étapes de la méthode:

  1. The undersides of the coral rubble in <1m of water were examined to explore the ecology of the fringing reef.

Citations bibliographiques

  1. Dennis P. Gordon (1989) Intertidal bryozoans from coral reef-flat rubble Sa‘aga, Western Samoa, New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 16:3, 447-463 DOI: 10.1080/03014223.1989.10422912

Métadonnées additionnelles

marine, harvested by iOBIS